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Alt mode: Calculator
Faction: Decepticon
Pronouns: They/Them/Themselves
Skills and abilities: Skilled in programmimg, computer hardware/software repair and cyber security. (Non-sapient computers, not Cybertronian processors.)
Function: Programmer and technician.

Calculus is a Decepticon programmer and technician. They maintain the software and hardware of the Decepticon empire. This is no easy task when Jazz keeps hacking it or fellow Decepticons destroy it by (more or less) accident.

They are under Soundwave's command, and rarely seen outside of the Nemesis due to their low combat capabilities and dislike of war, dirt and loud noises.

They are training Breakdown in matters of software and hardware; they hope to convince Soundwave Breakdown would better serve the Decepticons as their full time assistant rather than more Autobot fodder.

If you want to read one fanfic they are part of check out Digital security risks for lower ranking Decepticons on Earth.